Ta-dah! This is me, being a Happy Vegemite.
Finally, the new hardcovers of Calypso’s series, A Cat’s Tale, have arrived. They’re bigger and more beautiful than the earlier versions, and I’m so happy with them. Some of you know of the disaster I faced when my old printing firm changed to a cheaper but inferior printing process. Not. Happy. Jan. It's taken a while but now I'm back in action, and what a difference going to a better printing firm has made.

For those who pre-ordered Book 3, thank you so much for your patience and support. It’s on its way to you right now. It starts off in 1920s Paris but is largely set in Japan. It features the greatest art thief in all of France, a quest to find Zen, and many ninjas. I promise you’ll be happy!

If you’re a newer subscriber to the Newsletter and have joined for the antiques content, you might find you’re interested in my books. After all, I’ve been an antiques dealer for over 35 years and my books are all antiques-based, even Calypso’s illustrated storybooks.
Calypso’s books are illustrated in the French Art Deco style. Elegant simplicity is actually very difficult to produce, and there can be up to ten drafts before an image is finalized. The fashion is art deco, the accessories are art deco, heck it’s actually set in Art Deco era Paris (and beyond). The broad reading age is 4-8, but these books have been specifically designed to be beautiful and appealing to grown-ups as well as children. And if you’re a cat-lover, you’ll immediately recognize and identify with all the Important Cat Rules Calypso lives by.

Hardcover copies of the print books are now available on the website www.frenchandvintage.biz for $28 each (plus postage). But if you’d like to sample one first, the eBook versions are also online. And Book 2 is available for you to download for free. It's my free gift to you. eBooks 1 and 3 are priced at $1.99, and yes that’s a complete bargain.

If you’d like a hardcover version, include your email address at the checkout and I’ll send you another free gift – the colouring book associated with each of Calypso’s books. They’re suitable for children and adults, and they’re a bit of fun.
Be sure to contact me first if you want more than one book – for more than one I can offer a discount on postage. If you’d rather buy in person and save on postage costs entirely, I’ll be offering Calypso’s books at each Peregian Beach Market and Collectorama Antiques Fair.
Coming very soon is Vol 1 of The Foodies’ Guide to Antiques & Collectables, and I’m about to re-issue Vol 1 of Fabulous Beasts & How to Collect Them.
But I’ll tell you all about that soon.