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We’ve been dealing in antique and vintage wares for almost 30 years.  Wow, 30 years.  Doesn’t time fly?  We specialise in French and English pieces, although really it doesn’t matter where something came from – if it’s interesting and beautiful we’ll go for it.


We travel to Europe on buying trips at least once every 12 months, and we have terrific fun sight-seeing and finding great stock to offer to you.  We particularly look for Art Deco and semi-industrial pieces, but sometimes a bit of lovely Victoriana slips in.  Finding pieces that aren’t common helps keep our stock interesting and our hunt for them challenging.


If you'd like to follow our adventures in buying and selling please subscribe to our Newsletter. The link's at the bottom of this page. Then, whenever we update the Newsletter it will magically appear in your email in-tray, with no effort on your part.  Many pieces we find on our buying trips are highlighted in the Newsletter, and are sold before they’ve left Europe.  If you see something you’d like first option on, feel free to contact us directly.  Plenty of people do and we’re happy to oblige.


But if you'd like to be an international antiques buyer yourself it's not as difficult as you might think, and help is at hand.  Go to the Books page and you'll find our book Travel & Shop The World For Free.  This book distils our 30 years of experience and gives you detailed 'How to' instructions so you can go shopping in Europe yourself, and have what you buy pay for your travel.  It's great fun! And who knows, we might find ourselves shopping together in Paris.

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